10,000 More Steps To….

I don’t think anyone could have predicted we’d be where we are now in 2020. Aside from a few inevitable road bumps along the way, I thought everything would be bigger, bolder, and more profitable. Sometimes the answers to our most fervent prayers come in the most unusual packages. Today, I finished up my new normal routine before relaxing to watch some TV.
My typical work from home day starts with waking up and working out using one of my old Tae-Bo DVDs (I know….a super throwback), showering, logging in to work around 7:30 am, working til past 5:00 pm, going for a 30 minute jog, another shower, maybe a little more work, and squeezing in some semblance of quiet time/working on my books/catching up on TV shows. Today, I noticed that my average daily steps have increased to an average of 10,000 since I’ve been working from home in quarantine.
Is it just me, or have the recent weeks forced you to accomplish some of those goals that were previously collecting dust on the shelf? Before quarantine, my average daily steps topped out at about 6,500. I wished to stay active during the quarantine. I’m doing it. I wished to wrap up a novel I’m releasing later this year. It’s complete. I wished to save more money and get tighter on my budget. Yep, checked that one off too. I’m a natural introvert and enjoy my alone too, which I’ve gotten more than my fair share of recently. Sometimes our opportunities stare us squarely in the eyes; we just have to take them.
The 10,000 steps at the end of the day represent much more than mere physical activity. I like to think of it as giving praise for one more day of good health, a chance to meditate and map out my goals, review next steps on where I need to be and if I’m lucky, find some pretty cool ways to make those thoughts a reality. How are you using your steps during these uncertain times?
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