2020 Vision with Intention (My Resolution)

Oh, joy. It’s that time of year again. New year’s resolutions will begin flooding my timeline. All the grandiose 2020 goals are surefire this year because…well, it’s 2020. At least that’s what everyone will have you think. If you’ve followed my blog for a long time, you know I’m not a huge fan of new year’s resolutions. In my opinion, resolutions should be called “easily broken promises” we make to ourselves. To each his/her own. I don’t judge but that’s just my stance on it.
So, in keeping with the tradition (at least my own), I don’t have a new year’s resolution for 2020. However, I do have a goal or mantra of sorts that will be my focus all year: 20/20 Vision with Intention. What does that even mean? So many times in the past, I have set goals for myself that I had no vision to see through to the end. I was just going through the motions and in some cases, just following the path for goals I truly didn’t even want….they just “felt like” the right thing to do.
Whether it’s because of fear of success, responsibility, or the sheer sweat, blood, and tears it takes to reach our most lofty goals, we often fall short because we don’t plan. Moving forward, I’m at least identifying the goals I want. I may not know exactly how I’m going to get there, but it’s easier to achieve if you can see it.
Intention. Ah, yes that part. Setting goals is the easy part, but in my opinion intention and passion go hand in hand. In the past, if my goals lacked intention, I likely didn’t meet them. This time, I want to see my goals and execute them with specific intentions (spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, etc).
Who wants to join me in making the new year one for the record books with 20/20 Vision with Intention? Whatever we do, even if we look back on it as a mistake, let’s make it clear (20/20 vision) and intentional.