Cyber Monday 30 for 30

I know. You are likely inundated with emails about exclusive deals on electronics, clothes and even books. Yes, I have announced holiday deals for my books as well. However, this year will be different. I want to invest in YOU. Yes, you read that correctly. I’m doing my first ever 30 for 30 Cyber Monday sale.
I’m releasing a follow-up to my 2023 book, Can I Pick Your Brain?, during the second quarter of 2025. The book will be called Pick Me Up and detail all of the steps needed to pick yourself up by your own literary bootstraps. The book will be a working accountability journal to guide you through the process of publishing your first (or next book).
The next step in your publishing process can be difficult to navigate. Now, this is where I come in. I am offering a 30-minute consultation to catapult you to the next level for publishing your book, today (and the rest of the week). The consultation will include a 15-minute review of you telling me the concept of your book and where you are in the publishing process. Then, we will review a plan of action for the next 30 minutes.
What’s the catch? Only $30 and 45 minutes of your time. Book your 30 for 30 Cyber Monday appointment today. Email for further details.