4 Awkward 2019 Grammy Moments

I tuned in to the Grammys last night, as I typically do every year. I’m not a fan of the entire broadcast. I do like seeing my favorite artists perform and the awards they may win though. Alicia Keys hosted the event and everyone from Lady Gaga to the Red Hot Chili Peppers to Diana Ross and Drake was there. Honestly, I love Alicia Keys. However, my all time favorite Grammys host is Ellen Degeneres (1996). Nonetheless, I thought the show was decent overall.
So, I won’t run through my list of highlights because I’m sure you have your own. These are the most awkward moments from this year’s Grammy awards show.
4. Gaga’s Ra Ra Pose
Lady Gaga picked up a few trophies at last night’s ceremony. Bradley Cooper even won his first Grammy with their duet, “Shallow” from the hit movie A Star Is Born. But wait. There’s her Grammy performance. Jerky movements aside, she put on a great show. The weird, leaned over pose at the end was a bit creepy though. She held it for literally no less than 45 seconds. In her defense though, she has had way more awkward moments.
3. Thank You…And You…And You….Oh And You Too
It started with Cardi B (who had one of the best performances of the night). Then it was H.E.R. Plus, there were several other artists whose acceptance speeches were so long that the Jeopardy-esque music started playing to help usher them off the stage. Most times, to no avail. This was definitely the year of long winded acceptance speeches. Side note: Was anyone else equally annoyed with Offset being on stage with Cardi B like it was his Grammy?
2. Diana Ross’s Birthday Demand
Diana Ross received a nice chunk of the awards ceremony. If you were wondering if she won, she didn’t. She wasn’t even nominated. BUT, she did hold us hostage with a flighty, off key medley of her hits. In true diva style, she then screamed, “It’s my birthday!” several times. Let’s blow out the candles (and close the curtains for the performance). Happy 75th birthday Ms. Ross.
1.J Lo Takes On Say It Ain’t So Town
J Lo is amazing. I don’t think anyone would argue her immense talent as an entertainer and a dancer. Plus, she seems to have found the secret fountain of youth because she still looks as vibrant as ever. Despite her looks and moves, she seemed like the ill added raisins nobody wanted in their potato salad for her Motown tribute. Even Smokey Robinson couldn’t save it.
So, what were your favorite or not so favorite moments from the 61st Annual Grammy Awards? Missed the big winners? Here’s the full list.