A Bubbly Toast for Channel Eleven

Last year, I was faced with a writing dilemma that I’ve never experienced before. My previous poetry books have included some personal elements mixed in with experiences from other people. However, Eleven: Things We Never Said was very different. The poems were personal this time. They were angry. These poems were therapeutic, depressing and at times, comical. The common denominator was they were all about me…..and my marriage.
This book nearly didn’t see the light of day. I feared people prying into my business. The final list of poems included in the book was revised several times over. Honestly, there are a couple of poems that sneaked in. I was a bit delirious from the deliberation at that point. I’ve received really positive feedback for the book so far. So, I know this is something I was meant to do. As a result, I decided I would launch a series of four short clips discussing details about Eleven: Things We Never Said. Hence, Channel Eleven!
The first week of Channel Eleven debuted yesterday. In addition, there will be 3 more videos launched throughout the month of February. In case you missed it, check it out below. Also, if you’re in the DFW area, I will be hosting an event called The Peauxetic Pour on Saturday, March 2nd (from 3 to 6 pm). I’ll be reading poetry from Eleven: Things We Never Said. Plus, there will be a wine tasting, free gifts and a special reveal that you must be there to see! So, click the link below to RSVP. Space is limited, so don’t delay!
Also, get caught up on Week 1 of Channel Eleven, at the link below. This episode is called Tuned In To Depression. Let me know your thoughts. Hope you enjoy!