Be Nice For What?

Many people that know me consider me to be a “nice” person. For the most part, I would say this is true. I try to see the good in people and give them the benefit of the doubt (even if they don’t deserve it). This does not mean I am the moral authority. However, I like to receive good and fair treatment from people, so I try to sow those seeds. Of course, we all fall short. We are only human. Nice doesn’t necessarily get the prize; at least not right away. I know this, but I can only be myself. I believe that if you try to go outside the realm of your natural being, you will fall flat on your face every time.
Fast forward to a recent encounter I had from someone I used to associate with a long time ago. I say associate with, because I don’t want there to be any confusion that we were friends. I believe that this person finds me to be gullible. That is ok, because I’m not responsible for who other people perceive me to be. One of the greatest lessons we can take away in life is silence does not mean ignorance. Never make the mistake of thinking that people who are nice are dumb or oblivious. I enjoy the shock value though, so I don’t mind playing the game….at least for a little while.
After just a few brief minutes with this person, I quickly realized the reason why I don’t associate with them anymore. Does this mean I had to change my demeanor? No. Does it mean I have to be rude and hold a grudge? No. Remember, I’m genuinely a “nice” person. At least that’s what people want to see or expect me to be. Nonetheless, it does mean that I am moving forward and have no time for backwards steps. Is being “nice” in vein? Honestly, it may feel like it at times. The question isn’t whether we are nice or not though. Our true colors will come to the surface regardless. The real golden nugget that we must hold with us is every era in our life has a lesson. Learn from it. Grow from it. Move forward. You can still be nice and do just that.