Don’t Throw Off My Algorithm

Algorithms control everything from how your social media posts are viewed to the types of ads that deliver to your phone. It’s easy to blame everything on the power of technology. The current capabilities of digital media are at an unprecedented all time high. However, aren’t we the ones that create those online footprints though? Hold that thought. We’ll get back to that in a bit.
These same principles can be applied to our daily lives. How many times have you occasionally engaged in a conversation that was beneath you, only to have it circle back in your life at a later date? Technology works the same way. Maybe you were looking for a new pair of shoes one day online and now that store is following you with ads. Who started it all though? Did we not search for some of the things that make up the fabric of our lives, even if it was indirectly?
Sometimes, it’s easy to site other sources for whatever trials are going on in our lives. The external factors are not the complete answer. Let’s all make sure we are projected the right thoughts and actions from within. Only then, can we expect the type of algorithm we truly deserve.
One thing you should definitely add to your algorithm is my new poetry book, Eleven: Things We Never Said. The book details the painful elements of a broken marriage and how the healing process begins. Get your copy HERE. Plus, stay tuned for Channel Eleven, a series of short video clips explaining aspects of my book, which will debut on Friday, February 1st!