I Can’t Come To The Phone Right Now

Technology is a beautiful thing when it works properly. Case in point, my phone decided to lock itself at 4:15 am this morning. Never mind the fact that my phone had been sitting untouched on the charger for several hours. I didn’t notice the issue until I woke up today. I tried powering down the phone and that didn’t work. Nonetheless, I even stopped by a local AT&T store. Oh, I forgot. Today is Labor Day. They were closed. Finally I was able to get the phone reset later this afternoon. Everything was back to normal.
I had a bit of an agitated panic when I couldn’t get my phone to unlock. I thought, “What if there is an emergency and someone can’t reach me?”. “What about the business calls I need to make today?”. Oh and the proverbial, “I feel naked without a working phone”. Despite the fact that all of these feelings were valid, I needed the time. I was able to fully disconnect from everything for a few hours. During that time, I was able to sort out some thoughts in my head and refocus a bit.
Sometimes we have to be forced to do what’s best for us. We should all take a designated time to unplug from social media, work, our phones and any other distractions to center ourselves. There is a danger in not doing this. We could keep going to the point where we are forced to stop. Although I was frustrated about my phone not working for part of today, it helped clear my mind. Clear the clutter from your mental space. Do it now, while it’s manageable. If not, you just may find yourself in a situation where you have no choice about the matter.
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