The Sixth Day of Christmas: Some Like It Hot

This time of year calls for gathering around the fireplace, getting cozy and of course, curling up with a good book. Tomorrow is the last day to get your presale bundle for my new books, A Swipe in the Wrong Direction and Cataracts. So, as an extra ‘thank you’ for all of your presale love and support you’ve shown ahead of this Sunday’s official release.
For today only, enjoy a hot beverage on me with the purchase of your presale bundle for the swipe left and swipe right versions. Don’t forget this Sunday is not only the official release for both books but also the book launch celebration. Join me for Swipe N See: A Virtual Book Launch Event with special guest Robi Nickoli, from 7 to 9 pm CST. Watch live from the Facebook event (just search for the name) or right here on the site at (live on the day of the event).