….But Don’t Push Me

Why do people insist on pushing people with chill attitudes? If there was ever a walking billboard for “Don’t let the smile fool you”, I would be the advertisement. Even as I’m writing this blog today, I had to professionally (as best as I could) let someone know they were stepping way out of bounds with me.
As Aric Tucker, my guest on this week’s Trigger Pointe podcast and host of the Greekly Speaking podcast, put it you can’t change the way you’re wired. We represent what many people would label as the “good guys”. The ones who are quick to smile and slow to anger. Agreeable and mannerable. Intelligent and considerate. That’s nice and all…..but as the late, great Tupac Shakur once stated, “I ain’t a killer but don’t push me…” Well, it’s not quite that bad (on most days) but you get the point.
We are down to the final two episodes of the Trigger Pointe podcast. This has been an exciting and insightful ride that I hope you have enjoyed. Tune into my discussion with Aric on this week’s episode, “….But Don’t Push Me”. As always, you get to hear it first before everyone else. Feel free to comment, like and share the podcast with any other nice guys (and ladies), or even mean people, that you know.