Eleven Truths About Goodbyes

2018 has been a year of goodbyes for me. I have had to say goodbye to people, places of employment and even some of my old ways of thinking. There were times when I felt like I was even saying goodbye to my own sanity. Many of you know I’m not big on new year’s resolutions. However, I am all for self improvement of any kind.
If you’re anything like me, you adapt to the pain of goodbye. I like to compare it to someone who is a functioning alcoholic or drug addict. The danger of just being “functional” through our goodbyes is we set ourselves up to crash and burn. After reading my new poetry book, Eleven: Things We Never Said, one of my friends told me he had no idea that some of those things were going on in my life.
I try not to complain and tell my woe is me stories. Honestly, we all have our own struggles and dilemmas to deal with. Nevertheless, we still have to find a way to press through the goodbyes, despite the type of scars they leave. Here are eleven truths to help channel the inevitable negative energy associated with goodbye.
- Find the humor in it. Even life’s toughest situations have a funny bone if you look hard enough.
- Don’t be bitter. It doesn’t help the situation at all and it only hurts you in the end.
- Man/Woman up. Goodbye doesn’t come without its share of consequences. We can’t predict all the most important moments in our lives, but all serious goodbyes should not be made hastily.
- Occupy your time with productivity. Sulking never helped anyone. Focus your energy on something that helps you grow and keeps you out of a depressive rut.
- Don’t beat yourself up. Often times, we incessantly replay our own faults that led up to a goodbye. Everything in life is cause and effect. No one person is the cause of a goodbye.
- Be careful of what you say and who you vent to. With some goodbyes, people are waiting for you to slip up and act out of character. Don’t do it.
- Don’t burn bridges. That same person or place you dismiss today may be the one you need later on in life.
- Goodbyes don’t make you a failure. This one needs no further explanation.
- Goodbyes are necessary to reach the next level. We can’t reach new heights if we play it safe on the same stair case.
- Goodbyes birth courage. Sometimes one goodbye sets you up for a trial you have to face later in life. By the time you get there, it’s easier to digest because of your previous experiences.
- After today, you can say goodbye to the special pre-sale pricing for my new book, Eleven: Things We Never Said. Make sure you get your copy today (click HERE), before the discounted price expires on January 1st.
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