The End Of An Era

I still remember it like it was yesterday. Twenty years ago, I remember hearing the saying, “To whom much is given, much is required”, to the point ad nauseum. The person speaking the words was a mentor, soon to be fraternity brother and great friend, Arthur Gregg. Sometimes I would say, “Well, give me less responsibility then”. That didn’t go over too well.
Now, at 38 years old, I can look back and really ingest the truth of those words. During tough times, I’ve replayed those words in my head to keep going. Isn’t it funny how those things we sometimes dislike to hear become our own mantra with time? Arthur was instrumental in my transition from a boy to a man. Now, I’m honored to have him representing the end of another era for me – the season three finale of The Water Bearer Podcast (airing live tomorrow at 7 pm CST).
He’s an Aries, so you know we’re going to have a fiery discussion. Tune in tomorrow to hear us chat about Aries male characteristics, the weight of responsibility and brotherhood. Plus, there will be a special announcement on the show that you’ll want to get first dibs on. Catch up on the missed episodes and please subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss any new content, including season four (kicking off on January 18, 2024)!