Trigger Pointe S2E6: “Case of the Fake People”

Discernment is usually sharpened with life experiences. As we suffer deceit and disappointment from people, our vantage point on certain situations changes. Although the word “friend” is loosely used these days, true qualities of friends are rarely cherished. Today’s society rewards quick fixes and fast rises to the top, by any means necessary. As a result, the chances of encountering fake people greatly increases.
How do you navigate such issues with fake people when you’ve “kept it real” as they say? Honestly, we have all been fake about something, whether intentional or by mistake. It’s time to wave goodbye to all the fake people in our lives. Are you ready to make that change and cut the ties?
Keith Clark joins me on the latest Trigger Pointe podcast episode, “Case of the Fake People”. Tune into the episode below and weigh in on your own fake people experiences.