The Fifth Day of Christmas: Decode the Message

Every time I say I’m going to take a break from writing books, it never happens. Now, I just don’t even speak it and plan to take breaks only in my head. True to form, I started on a new novel a few months ago after I completed A Swipe in the Wrong Direction. I can’t give away too much about it yet, other than I am in the process of writing it now and it won’t come out until 2022.
However, I need your help. The book cover for my new poetry book, Cataracts (pictured above) has the title for my upcoming novel on the back cover (you have an advantage if you already have the book). It’s not exactly spelled out but whoever can guess the book title will be featured as a character. Here’s a hint: The first word is something you can pull and the second word is where the sides of a triangle meet…with an “e” at the end.
Let’s go!! Plus, there are only two days left to order your A Swipe in the Wrong Direction and Cataracts presale bundle. Get them HERE before the price increases on January 1st.
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