Introducing the Four Elements

As many of you know, I host a podcast called The Water Bearer Podcast. The show revolves around conversations about how zodiac sign characteristics impact our judgment, relationships and every day life. Now, after three seasons and 30 episodes, I’m ready to kick off season four tomorrow!
As if that isn’t enough, I get to fulfill one of the ideas I’ve had since the inception of the podcast. I’ll have representation from each of the four zodiac elements on one episode. Tomorrow will feature Damien Davis for Taurus (Earth sign), Josh Story for Aries (Fire sign), myself for Aquarius (Air sign) and Aric Tucker for Scorpio (Water sign).
We will discuss the male characteristics of each of the signs and get to know each of the guests on a personal level. Plus, we’ll play a round of Dead in the Water, the “this or that” game played with every guest. It’s going to be an interesting discussion where every man is for himself to defend their sign.
Catch the Drip live tomorrow at 7 pm CST.