Nothin’ But A ‘G’ Thing (Taste This)

So, if you’ve been following my last couple of blogs, you know I was recently diagnosed with gout. I typically post about drink reviews on Thursdays and today will be no different. However, this drink is likely one that you will not want to taste. The best things in life for us often don’t taste good to us.
Let’s talk about medicine before we get into this week’s Thirsty Thursday feature. The doctor initially prescribed me with indomethacin. Never heard of it? Don’t worry. Neither had I until recently. I don’t like taking medicine because it usually causes some other ailment that you didn’t have before. True to form, long term use of indomethacin can cause stomach ulcers. Even if you take it without eating a substantial amount of food, it can cause you to have an upset stomach. Needless to say, I had to find another option than continuing to take these pills.
Commercial medicine is all about making money in my opinion. So, I don’t always take what doctors say for face value. One time, I took some medicine from a certain doctor for back pain. Within the first few days, my face broke out into an ugly rash all because I was unknowingly allergic to amoxicillin. The doctor had the audacity to deny that I was allergic to the medication. Another doctor tried to prescribe me with a head drug, similar to Prozac. His rationale was it also doubles as a great remedy for back pain and inflammation. No thanks, Doc. I’ll keep the pain.
I believe that God always sends us help, but we just have to pay attention to it. A guy at the gym noticed I was hobbling around and shared his gout story with me. Again, I was feeling defeated that I was even having this conversation. But, I digress. He told me to try a mixture of warm water, apple cider vinegar, black pepper, fresh ground turmeric and lime juice. It’s nasty. Really nasty. I drink it everyday though because it’s a natural remedy for inflammation. Tart cherry juice is another drink that helps fight off inflammation. I’m currently drinking both.
Bottoms up! It’s Thirsty Thursday. What are some of your tried and true home remedy drinks?
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