Have You Even Made Room For It?

This is the year for increase. This is the year you’re finally going to start that business you’ve been talking everyone’s ear off about for the last decade. 2019 is the year you’re going to eat right and get fit. It all sounds great, but how likely is it to really happen? I’m not one to make a list of New Year’s resolutions, because the term in itself is a bit too passive for me. Resolutions are easily broken, which is why most people never fulfill them.
Picture it. What would happen if you finally started to receive all of those things you’ve been pining away for in life? Let’s take the business for example. Have you already removed the negative people from your life who diminish every hope of reaching your goal? Have you thrown out the conflicting thoughts that cause you to procrastinate? Are you ready to give up that favorite TV show or a large piece of your social life? If you can’t confidently say yes to the preparation questions to lift the veil to your dreams, maybe it’s not the time for you to be married to them until you can. Make room for it.
This year, my focus is stripping away the things that serve no positive purposes in my life. If I can do that, then all of my New Year’s resolutions will automatically be fulfilled. Are you ready to subtract the things you don’t need to receive the increase with open arms? Hopefully that answer is yes. Clean up your mind (and your physical space if you need to). Then you can ensure that you’re ready for all of your heart’s desires. Also, don’t forget to make room on your book shelf for my latest poetry book, Eleven: Things We Never Said. Get your signed copy today HERE.