If These Chairs Could Talk

Many of us work long hours every day. People sit a desk, stand or either a combination of both. No one ever stops to think about the chairs though. They hold our weight, without complaint. Of course, the chair won’t ever talk back. However, the chair often gets to witness us at our lowest points. Sitting is more comfortable for some, than getting up and making things happen.
Here’s a poem from my new book, Stingrays, that speaks from the chair’s perspective. It’s ok to sit. Just don’t stay in one spot too long. No race in life was ever won by sitting down. So, we have to always be alert and ready to make the next best move for our lives. Also, don’t forget to pick up your copy of Stingrays HERE if you don’t already have it. Yes, it’s ok to sit while you read it.
If These Chairs Could Talk
Have you ever wondered
What the chair thinks?
How the chair feels?
After some of us have
Left its presence
That’s if we ever do
I imagine it would say
Something like this
These legs were never
Meant to hold you up forever
Yet you sit here day after day
Month after month
Year after year
Professing pointless resolutions
Go figure, I’m ruined
Over time I have evolved
To give you more spinal support
Improve your posture to just
Make more excuses
And cushion to make your
Complacency more comfortable
I no longer recognize myself
Or my worth until you take your seat
But there is a bright side to
All of this
I have evolved, yet
You have remained stagnant
In fact rolling backwards
Like those smiley face
Price cuts at WalMart
Into an ignorant abyss
What’s your worth now?
About a dollar and fifty six cents?
These legs have grown weary
And plead for you to one day
Some way, get off your ass
And make something of yourself
My existence is eroded
Nothing more than a mere excuse
To make your comfort zone
A lazy, nondescript throne