It’s Too Early In The Morning For This

Most people are surprised when I tell them I’m not a morning person. My typical routine is to work out before I get to work (around 7:30 am). I’ve already been awake for a couple of hours so I’m fully alert by then. Why would I even bother working out in the morning if I’m not a morning person? Well, my chances of working out in the evening are slim to none. So, I like to use it to help me start my day.
One of my biggest pet peeves is getting into an argument in the morning. I would rather just say, “You’re right” and move on, even if I totally disagree. I look at it as similar to waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Have you ever gotten into a heated debate or confrontation with someone early in the morning? Doesn’t it just throw off your entire day? Maybe I’m the only one.
Life has a way of making us deal with things during the most inopportune times. You could have had a huge disagreement with your spouse, friend or family member before a big presentation at work (that’s at 8:00 am). I try my best to use that as fuel for positive energy. We can’t pick and choose when trials come up against us. However, we can always make the wise choice to choose how we respond to it.
I’m working on avoiding what my pastor named “poising your promotion”. We are often defeated by our own thoughts and words. Then, we like to use signs of the zodiac or our personality as an excuse for our actions. Sure, it could be too early in the morning or too late at night to be faced with your dilemma. However, there’s never a wrong time to face those mountains head on and tackle them with grace.
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