I’ve Got You

Last week, I had one of my monthly massages. Often times, people think of massages as something pleasurable and relaxing. Although this is true for the most part, the massages I get can be somewhat painful. The type of massages that I get are preventative against symptoms of a herniated disk. I was having some tension in my neck and shoulders and the massage therapist decided to try something new. “This is going to feel weird,” she said. My head was hanging completely off of the table.
“I’ve got you. Just relax,” she said. I couldn’t. I felt like I had to hold my own head up or I would injure myself. She repeated it again. “Come on, just relax,” she repeated. I still held my head up by my own muscles. She repeated it a third time; this time slightly agitated. “I get it. It’s hard to trust me,” she said. “No. It’s not that. it just feels weird,” I said. Truth be told, she was right. I didn’t trust her enough to completely let go and know that she would catch me (although it was her job to).
I imagine God must often feel like the massage therapist did that day. Sometimes, it’s hard to trust when we’ve been burned by people we love and life situations. Our instincts tell us that we should only trust ourselves. Honestly, we don’t know for certain what we’ll do from one minute to the next. It’s easy to try to carry the weight of life on our shoulders and handle it independently. We all know that only ends with aches and pains that leave us feeling worse than before. It’s more tiring to keep a wall up than the anxiety of wondering if God (and people who mean us well) can handle our issues. He’s saying, “I’ve got you”. However, it’s up to us to release the tension and fall into His hands.