Love Isn’t Blind….We’re Just Blind to the Bull@#$!

Spoiler alert: If you plan on watching the Netflix series, Love Is Blind, but haven’t seen it yet, proceed with caution.
First, I was suckered in by the influencer reality show, The Circle, on Netflix. Then came Love Is Blind. The premise of the show is several men and women get to potentially meet the love of their life. Oh, there’s one catch though – they can’t see the other person. They speak to each other in separate, plush pods and drill each other on everything, including life goals, favorite foods, and even Star Wars impressions.
Ideally, if the couple hits it off one of the two people proposes and they start their journey towards marriage. I personally don’t believe love is blind – but we put blindfolders on to excuse it. In other words, we make ourselves blind to the bull@#!
I won’t focus so much on the cast members, but my thoughts about some of their actions or lack thereof. So, here we go….
Blind to Being the Runner Up
Let’s start with Jessica and Mark. Jessica ultimately got played here because the guy she thought wanted (Barnett) ended up picking someone else. He told her he could see himself proposing to her and she took it and ran with it. Meanwhile, she also felt a connection to Mark who was 10 years her junior.
Once she realized Barnett chose Amber instead, then she went back to Mark. He accepted her (of course) and made excuses along the way because he genuinely loved her. Even Amber could tell that Barnett and Jessica had unfinished business and her insecurities showed through her actions. Moral of the story, when you pick someone just because she/he is available, it hardly ever works out. Choose wisely (and honestly). SN: I really hoped Mark was going to go off on Jessica, but sadly he never did.
Blind to Giving Yourself Too Much Credit
Kelly and Kenny…sigh. She felt like she never had that “spark” with Kenny and ultimately dumped him at the altar. While her honesty is commendable, she had an heir that exuded arrogance. She lost a lot of weight and had seemingly changed some things in her life but inside she was still overweight. It’s funny how a person’s inadequacies sometimes manifest a false sense of confidence that pushes people away. Kenny ultimately found another woman after the show and started a great relationship without Kelly. I might have laughed out loud a bit.
Blind to Being Comfortable In Crazy
One of the most shocking moments of the show (behind Carlton calling Diamond a bitch after she confronted him about being bisexual) was the fact that Gigi and Damian were still together. With the exception of a few of the couples, most of the guys were too good for the women on the show. In case you’re wondering, yes I’m including Cameron and Lauren in that bucket too – but I digress. Gigi was extremely immature and took some pretty low digs at Damian on the show. He said “I don’t”, but somehow ended right back with her after the show. Some people just thrive better in toxic situations – a concept I’ll never fully understand.
I do believe in strong emotional connections (outside of the physical) and even think love, at first sight, may be true. However, we go wrong when we start making excuses and placing the blame on love. No. We do what we want, with who we want, for however long we want because it fit for that moment. Maybe it’s because we’re trying to catch a rebound. We might need validation for our ego. Maybe we’re in it just for the sex…or the money…or the clout…but whatever the case, we are not in it blindly. Love may blur our vision, but it will never make us totally blind.
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