Once A Cheater, Always A Cheater?

We all know them. Chances are if you’re reading this right now, you have been cheated on, know someone who has or dare I say it, committed the act of cheating yourself. Can a person who cheats really change their ways? This has been an age old question that still remains unanswered today. Some people believe that a cheater never changes. Other people think that a cheater can actually be remorseful and make a turnaround.
Whatever your stance is, author J. Gibson is here to help you at least find the signs. Today is the official release of his raw, thought provoking second release, Signs: What To Look For Whenever You Think You Are Being Cheated On. The book dodges pointing the blame at a specific sex, but rather cautions males and females on the warning signs they may have swept under the rug.
If your significant other has blocked you on social media or is perpetually working late, there may be cause to give them a side eye. Find out all of the surefire signs of a cheater with this awesome new release from 7th Sign Publishing. Maybe cheaters never change, but at least you can be smarter about catching one after reading this book. Get your copy HERE today.