Opinions Change Like Underwear

Many of you have heard the old saying, “opinions are like ________ and everybody’s got one”. I’ll let you guess what the blank symbolizes if you don’t know. I talked with a friend recently about a new milestone she’s about to accomplish. Her excitement was obvious, but there was also an uneasiness in her tone. She told me that some of the people closest to her will try to criticize her. “Why didn’t you do it this way?” “Do you think this will really be successful?” “Oh, is this just for fun?” These are all questions we may hear that can put us in a negative mindset.
Have you ever noticed that people who can’t make moves of their own constantly critique the moves of others? Don’t get me wrong? Honest feedback and constructive criticism is needed for all of us to grow. However, there are some people who pick apart your dreams because they don’t have the courage to live out their own. I have found over the years that you can ask the same question to the same person and get a different answer. How can this be? We are all battling our own hangups, frustrations, demons and stress points. One day someone may tell you they love your new haircut. The next day they may hate it. People deflect their own selves on others when they make judgments. The response they give often depends on how they feel at the moment.
Remember that people’s opinions change like underwear. When it comes to your dreams, don’t let the opinions of others hold you back. Seek wise counsel, but don’t take all advice (usually unsolicited) for face value. Do you want it bad enough even if no one gives you a pat on the back? Are you willing to get past the grit to see your dreams to come to fruition? Hopefully, the answer to these questions is yes. Nonetheless, meeting your goals is going to take some hard work, determination and dismissing unwarranted and toxic opinions. Are you up for the challenge? I sure hope so.
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