Out of Service Area

I was recently reminded of how much we rely on technology, specifically our cell phones. My current cell phone has really been malfunctioning lately. Calls cut off randomly, internet is spotty when I’m not home and my GPS fails to load at times. If you know me, then you know I’m directionally challenged. So, not having a reliable GPS is an issue.
However, as I drove around the city this weekend without any connection to social media, the outside world and the happenings of the world, a wave of freedom came over me. Don’t get me wrong. Ultimately, I was frustrated about my phone situation. Nonetheless, I failed to realize how priceless quiet peace can be until I was forced in that space.
How many times do we willingly bring ourselves back in service areas that harm us? How often do we unplug from service areas that may be healthy but need a cool down? The moment with the phone was a gentle reminder that we must take the moments to break away from it all. If we don’t, we may be forced to in an uncomfortable way.