Trigger Pointe S2E3: “Don’t Pet My Peeve”

What is it about dating, the workplace or just daily interaction with people that gets under your skin? Could it be hearing someone smack when she or he eats? Or how about dealing with those self-absorbed narcissists? Netreia McNulty joins me on episode three of the Trigger Pointe podcast to discuss our most annoying pet peeves.
We’re sure some of the topics we discuss are on your list too. For instance, don’t you hate when people lie for no apparent reason? If you have to lie, at least save it for something that’s worth it. I digress. In case you missed the latest episode, tune in on full below.
I would also like to give a special thank you to ever one that has supported my writing over the years. Don’t forget to pick up your copy of the accompanying Trigger Pointe novel. The episodes discussed on seasons one and two on the podcast tie into specifics in the novel. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.