Pink Flag Opportunities

Do you run at the first sign of a red flag? It’s ok, you’re not alone. I’ve done it before too. However, how many of us think to lift the flag for information? Me neither, until recently.
As many of you may be aware, I’m currently on hiatus from The Water Bearer Podcast (season three kicks off on October 5, 2023). Over the next few weeks, I’ll share a few of the life nuggets I’ve picked up from season two. Tyrell Starks was my guest on the season two finale. He’s a life coach (and a Sagittarius) and he brought up a thought provoking point about red flags.
Instead of focusing on pink flags, he said we should take that opportunity to turn it into a pink flag. What does that mean? Asking questions, seeking understanding and taking a step back for perspective are ways that we can uncover common ground. I’ve tried putting this in practice since the episode aired and already have found it helpful.
Check out the season finale below and The Water Bearer Podcast episodes.