A New Trigger on the Horizon (10 Years)

Today marks ten years since the launch of the website you’re reading this blog from today. What initially started as an avenue to share some of my poetry and thoughts on music, turned into a website to host books, drink reviews and publishing. Thank you all for your kind words, support and love for these past ten years. At times, it was just what I needed to avoid throwing in the towel. For that, I am forever grateful.
I believe that in order to write about life, you have to live life. When I first started my journey as an author and a published poet, much of my writing was based on fictional situations or real-life stories from someone else’s perspective. However, as time went on, my writing became more introspective and vulnerable. These past few years have been a whirlwind of emotions (and events) for me and all of us.
Life has a way of triggering us in ways we least expect. Of course, those triggers have influenced my writing, but they have also influenced the ways I cope with the blows life delivers. Now, with the help of some special friends, I’m talking about it for the first time. Look out for my upcoming limited-episode podcast, Trigger Pointe, this September. We are going to talk about finances, love, mental health and judgment. The podcast episodes will all tie into a new novel I’m writing (also called Trigger Pointe, to be released next year) about a good man turned bad when life pushes him into a corner. Pull the trigger with me in just a couple of months, as we explore our triggers together and how to manage them.