Scared of Silence

Why are some people uncomfortable with being alone? I’m probably not the best person to answer that question, since I grew up as an only child. I’m used to my oneness and at times, I often prefer it. However, when the pandemic was a few months in full swing, there were moments when I did feel anxious about being alone. Image that. A loner that feels uneasy about being alone.
Although my anxious feelings about being alone during the pandemic didn’t last long, it can be a debilitating feeling for others. When we talk about “living our best life”, few people can envision that solo. It takes a special kind of person to not only find comfort in their alone time but search deep within themself to improve and grow. On the new episode of the Trigger Pointe podcast, we’re talking about those sometimes scary, silent moments.
Amir joins me on “Scared of Silence” to discuss how he has taken advantage of the current state of the world to travel. Contrary to popular belief, it can be done with a full-time job. Are you comfortable with yourself? Is there something wrong with you if you prefer oneness over a crowd of people? Let’s talk about it. Tune in to the discussion between Amir and myself as we discuss how silent moments impact us differently.