Seven Days Until ‘Commissioned To Love’

The time is almost here! Sometimes, it’s hard to believe that I am about to release my seventh book. Commissioned To Love didn’t start out like my previous books. As the title suggests, I was literally commissioned to do a book project for someone. The commissioned part actually fell through. So did the project. I was left with an unfinished collection of poems that would likely never seen the light of day. That’s when it hit me. Women are exploited and objectified in media and entertainment. There should be a separation between real life and fantasy. However, there is something to be said for a real woman.
The concept of Commissioned To Love is to celebrate all of the mothers, wives, sisters and educators who set great examples of womanhood. These are the types of women who often go unnoticed. They are underappreciated; until now. The poems within the book are created to uplift women. Women should hold themselves in high esteem for their beauty, loving hearts and selfless sacrifices. Here’s a sample of what you can expect in Commissioned To Love. The pre-sale is going on now, until the official release date on Valentine’s Day. Get your copy today!
I can feel this opposing force
Restricting my wings
Preparing me to make my debut
Into this outside world
And when I break free
They will all marvel in awe
And wonder of my marvelous
Intoxicating beauty
My back will be speckled
With the most vibrant colors
That have yet to be seen
I won’t be contained
They will all bear witness
Of how I have traveled
Through the fire, unscathed
Unashamed of my testimony
Because my complicated tapestry
Tells my story more descriptively
Than any audible
Words ever could
You can find me floating
In the air
Just over your shoulders
Sit up, take notice and
Behold such a glorious creation