Tag: Inspiration

Let Me Introduce You To My Ugly

Today started out as a normal day. I got a really good run in. The weather was cool, with a nice breeze. I went to the gym afterwards to change for work. That’s when it all made an abrupt turn. I started talking to one of the regulars at the gym and he mentioned the […]

The Full Service Life

Earlier this week, I met a lady who recently relocated to Dallas from Oregon. She proceeded to tell me how Dallas was so much larger than the close quarters upbringing she experienced. Her hometown has a population of 800 and the streets are often blocked with cattle. I wasn’t able to relate to her life. […]

5 Questions That Make Authors Cringe

I attended a book festival this past weekend, in Memphis, TN. The experience was awesome; plus, Memphis has some delicious food. My professional writing journey started 5 years ago. I released my first book, a collection of poems called Blurred Vision, in 2011. Blurred Vision was a self-published work, which required many hours of research on […]

Erick Murphy: Amazin Flashback Music

I first met Erick Murphy during an interview I did with Tha Afterparty Radio back in July. He kept me rolling the entire interview and had a very cool personality. He’s also an artist, producer and songwriter. After checking out his music, I had to get a chance to interview him as well about his single […]

Get Into Grown Folks Business

I’m sure many of you remember the familiar phrase when you were children. “Stay out of grown folks’ business”.  Sometimes as a kid, it was easy to feel like the adults just wouldn’t let us be great. However, there are many grown folks today who need to hear this. We could just switch up the verbiage […]

The Price Of An Involuntary Recharge

Here’s my story of how I got a recharge. A couple of years ago I entered that joyous abyss that every car owner dreams of. Having a paid off car. Yep, that has got to be one of the best feelings ever to not have a car note. However, in the last couple of months, […]

The Worst That Never Was

I consider myself to be a pessimistic optimist. Sounds kinda crazy right? Basically, I like to hope for the best, while preparing for the worst. This thought process has helped me deal with difficult situations in the past. However, it does work against me at times. I was having one of those weeks recently where […]