Thank You For Seven Years Of Support

The Fourth of July is always a reflective time of year for me. Of course, it’s Independence Day. However, it’s also the day (now, seven years ago) I launched the website that you’re reading this blog from. Any entrepreneur or blogger knows that it’s not easy handling your own business, even if it’s just a hobby. When I first started out my site, I was really doing it for mere recreation. I loved music and sharing my thoughts on it. Plus, I was on the brink of releasing my first poetry book, Blurred Vision.
I remember feeling so nervous, wondering if people would like and understand my book. I was also unsure if people would be engaged with the posts I made on my site. Every day hasn’t been easy and I have wanted to throw in the towel plenty of times. Nonetheless, it’s all been worth it. My first book’s reception was more than I could have ever imagined. I soon kept bumping into other aspiring authors who desired to have their stories published. This lead me to start my own publishing company, 7th Sign Publishing. Now, I’m seven books in (plus others I’ve published for other authors), with more projects in the works.
I have had the opportunity to interview some great people along the way, inspire lives and gain first hand knowledge that only experience can teach you. So, today, I would like to personally say thank you to anyone who has subscribed to my site, read/shared a blog post, bought a book or simply given me words of encouragement when I needed to hear it most over the last seven years. Believe me, your support is appreciated and valued, more than you know.
Stay tuned for updates on upcoming books I have in the works and a new project that I may reach out to you for inspiration on :). Plus, if you’re in the Dallas area, you can catch me this Saturday at Toasted Coffee + Kitchen (5420 Ross Avenue, Suite 120 | Dallas, TX) from 5:30 to 8:00 pm. I’ll be signing copies of all of my books and celebrating the one year anniversary of the release of my second novel, No Cream in the Middle.
Oh yeah, just one more thing. Be the first to respond to/contact me after reading this post to receive a free copy of any of my books…your choice!
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