Things We Never Said….Until Now

Well, here it is. I keep saying this is the best and worst book I’ve ever written. Our darkest moments give us the best inspiration…which is exactly what happened here. However, the events that led to the writing of the book alone were difficult enough to wrap my brain around. Honestly, Eleven: Things We Never Said almost didn’t see the light of day. I thought it would be too personal for me to talk about a huge part of my life in a book for everyone to read.
This book was not written to air my dirty laundry. I did not write this book to try to sway people to take sides. There is no need for that. This book’s primary purpose was for me to purge through some feelings I was having as a result of the big D word. The elephant in the room that at times I didn’t want to face head on. Divorce. My secondary reason for releasing Eleven: Things We Never Said was to help other people, especially men, who may be going through a breakup or divorce.
Look around or think to yourself about how many books there are about divorce from the male’s perspective. Still thinking? Well, try thinking about it from the aspect of poetry. I know…you’re probably still trying to find one in your mental Rolodex (that thing today’s younger millennials know nothing about). My sincere hope is that everyone who reads this book gains some nugget(s) they can keep and apply to life, relationships and even learning more about themselves.
Here’s a sample of one of the poems called, “Syrup”
It’s dripping down my chin
My tongue peruses my upper lip
As I savor the flavor
And the slow roll down my neck
I don’t bother to wipe it off
Let it stay right there
Elated to have you right there
It’s a nectar sweeter than anything
My taste buds have ever experienced
I don’t mind getting a little messy in it
Because the best things in life
Hardly ever come clean….
Grab your presale copy of Eleven: Things We Never Said (click on the book title link) for just $11, with free shipping before the official January 11th release date.